Title: The Story of Racheltjie de Beer
Genre: Drama
Language: Afrikaans
Year: 2020
Description: Southern Africa -1800’s. When Racheltjie, a young girl on the cusp of adolescence, and her 5-year-old brother find themselves missing in a freak snow blizzard, she braves the storm to look for her little brother.
Writers: Brett Michael Innes & Matthys Boshoff
Director: Matthys Boshoff
Producers: Johan Kruger
Partners: kykNET, Brittle Star Pictures, Department of Trade & Industry
World Premiere: In Competition at Silwerskerm Film Festival 2019
Awards: Nominated for Best Film and was awarded Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design and Best Score at the 2020 South African Film & Television Awards (SAFTA)
News: based on the novel THE STORY OF RACHELTJIE DE BEER by Brett Michael Innes
IMDB page: Click to view